Productions Starred In
Journey through the illustrious career of Zandisile Nhlapo, a true pioneer in South African television. Her remarkable trajectory began with “TRIO” on CCTV, followed by unforgettable roles in iconic shows like “Man 2 Man,” “Midday Breeze,” and “Eastern Mosaic.” After building her marketing empire, she made a triumphant return to the screen with compelling performances in “Imbewu,” “Housekeepers,” and “Nikiwe.” Each role showcases her enduring talent and magnetic screen presence that has captivated audiences for over two decades. Experience her distinguished body of work below.
Uncut on BET
as Zinhle Zwane
As Mirriam Radebe
As Nompi Khanyeza
Brand Partnerships
Linda Mtoba’s influence extends far beyond the screen as one of South Africa’s most sought-after brand ambassadors. Her authentic presence and sophisticated style have made her the perfect partner for premium lifestyle and beauty brands. Discover the prestigious partnerships that have defined her career as a brand influencer.
Since 2021
Nivea Partner
Since 2024
Armani Partner
Brands That Trust Zandisile
About Zandisile Nhlapo
Zandisile Nhlapo’s career in the media industry spans over 25 years. She is regarded as the OG of the entertainment industry as her career began at the early age of 20 through a game show called TRIO on CCTV. She later went on to grace the South African television screens on shows such as: Man 2 man, Midday Breeze, Eastern Mosaic, Continuity and Cooking Gospel on E-TV. Her vast experience in entertainment inspired Zandisile to discover her potential space in marketing. This in turn created and fueled the inner desire to start her own media and marketing entity. Exploding with creativity and passion, Liquid Image Consulting (LIC) was then born. The agency that originally started as an events management company, has since grown to be a fully-fledged 360 below-the-line communications agency and to date Zandi Nhlapo sits at the helm of this unconventional ship as the founder and CEO. After the 10 year hiatus building her business, Zandisile has been making some exciting on-screen appearances on shows such as Imbewu, Housekeepers and Nikiwe with more exciting career moves taking place, she comes back with a fresh perspective and a magic touch that is true to her brand.
Find Zandi On
Personal Brands
Sports Brands
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